Starters & snacks

Chicken Fritters With Mozzarella

Here’s how to make some really memorable chicken fritters! First shape them, and coat them with flour, breadcrumbs, and whisked egg. Next, deep-fry, and top them with tomato sauce and shredded mozzarella. Slide the meatballs in the oven so the mozzarella can melt, and serve them with a good sauce! Be sure to make enough, because you’ll finish them in no time!

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Cheesy Cauliflower Muffins

Even though sweet muffins often seem to eclipse all the other types, there’s something truly special about salty or savory ones. Maybe it’s thanks to the element of surprise: the handpicked ingredients chosen for the task. Like these ones, with a dough made entirely of cauliflower, and no added flour. Enrich them with some Cheddar, ham, spinach, and garlic. Have we said enough? How about you try to make these mouthwatering snacks tonight!

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Cornmeal and Veggie Fritters

These cornmeal and veggie fritters are so colorful and easy to make, they will surely become one of your favorite vegetarian snacks. You can add lots of veggies to the mix, like onion, sweet corn, bell pepper, and so on. You’ll also need a good sauce to go with them, and this one made with avocado works well with this combo.

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Cheese and Veggie Fried Beef Rolls

These fried beef rolls put a spin on the classic Cordon Bleu. But the recipe is healthier and leaner. Replace ham with veggie sticks, while the cheese layer stays where it is because the heat makes it melty and delicious. Coat the rolls with breadcrumbs, like you’d do with the Cordon Bleu, and then savor this enjoyable dish!

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Cheesy Creamy Gnocchi

Thanks to their moist, delicate texture and their wonderful flavor, gnocchi are definitely one of our favorite types of pasta. They’re so good, you won’t need to add any meat to them. Just serve them tucked in a thick, creamy sauce, topped with some parmesan and mozzarella. Just delicious!

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