The website is born out of our excitement for food. We are a small but good-hearted team trying to put our skills together to create a meeting place that acts like a magnet for people who share our love for cooking and eating comfort food that’s still healthy and exciting.
We are planning our next steps, which involve you, our readers, even more. We want to grow a community of people invested in sharing recipes, trading tips and tricks, and creating virtual relationships around a hot and tasty meal.
We first showed up on the scene in 2016 with our Facebook page. That’s when we rapidly gained popularity by attracting a large number of people who responded with enthusiasm to our video recipes. Since then, the SoDelicious Facebook page has grown into a beautiful community of 3 million followers. So far!
The next step for us is developing this platform into a successful cooking website. By now, we can pride ourselves in our diverse video recipe content, organized with specific diet needs in mind, alongside articles on healthy living and last, but not least, a series of ‘How to’ pieces on managing things in our favorite place in the house: the kitchen.
We’ve wrapped up a small guide of what the website really means so that we can get to know each other better!
The menu has the following categories:
The Recipes Category is organized into the following subcategories and is our most substantial part, gathering almost 2,500 video recipes.
The items in these subcategories are themselves organized in types of recipes as follows:
- Meal Types
- Main Ingredient
- Diet
- Tastes
- Cuisines
- Special Occasions
The How-To category consists of videos that help you figure out how to do simple and not so simple things in the kitchen. It’s aimed at beginners, but also at people who want to hone their cooking skills.
Each ‘how-to’ has two components: the video with step by step instructions and the article which fills in part of the details of the process and gives you some extra ideas.
The ‘how-to’ videos cover a wide range of kitchen topics, from ‘how to make basic muffins’ or ‘how to whip up homemade mayonnaise’ to ‘how to cut different fruit and vegetables’ or ‘how to cook with different grains’.
Good Living
The Good Living category is the place where you’ll find our best stories related to cooking, healthy eating, and healthy living.
This category is organized in the following subcategories, as follows:
Healthy Eating, as its name suggests, consists of articles related to a healthy diet. We live in a world constantly trying to tell us what to eat for a more balanced life, we’re urged not to miss the ultimate superfood that will help us fight serious illnesses or we’re reminded almost daily how our diet could mess up our minds. Taking all these things into consideration, we try to offer you a good documented perspective on how to eat healthy and, more importantly, how to make healthy eating a part of your life and not just a diet you’d follow for a limited period of time.
In the Kitchen is the place where we actually play. You’ll see that we mainly write about cooking with different ingredients (ex: Confused by Too Many Types of Cream? How to Choose What You Need), we give you tips and tricks on how to deal with your cooking utensils (ex: Tips and Tricks: Basic Cutting Techniques to Know and Love) or we simply try to help you avoid the basic cooking mistakes everyone makes, at least in the beginning!
We dare say we love this category a bit more than the others because it gives us the freedom to share our own cooking experiences with you, our dear reader.
News – if you’re interested in finding the latest research about how sugar affects your body or if you just want to catch up with food industry news, this is the right place to check in.
Beauty – in this category we’ve tried to find the intersection of two things: beauty and food. Therefore, you’ll find here beauty articles with a not-so-secret connection to food. Some examples, you ask? 3 Ways to Use Coffee in Your Beauty Routine, Reach Out and Touch Them: Great Foods for Skincare or Avocado Face Masks That Actually Work.
Weight Loss is kind of a no-brainer category for this website, if you think about all of the effort we put in to stay in good shape (or at least try to). So you can get useful help here if you want to lose some weight. But this will help you even if you just want to know what BMI is or how to keep away those afternoon cravings that put you into a deep sleepy state.
AllDelicious – Welcome to the Light Side!
Last, but not least, we want to introduce you to our healthy recipes, which are all grouped under the name ‘AllDelicious’; all of these recipes are marked out with the tag “healthy” on the recipe page, right below the title. Click on it and find them all!
In the AllDelicious section we mainly focus on diet recipes, using the range of healthy ingredients one could look for when trying to follow a more balanced lifestyle – leafy greens and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds, or healthy oils. If you’re a healthy eater yourself and choose to only follow this type of content, you can do it through our dedicated social media accounts or by RSS feed.