Modern consumers need dietary solutions that will help them meet their health, budget, and weight expectations. The following ingredients reached the top 10 list of superfoods trending in 2020.
1. Fermented foods, such as yogurt and kefir
Fermented foods are the ones containing yeasts and bacteria. This year, they have made it to the top of the list, according to Pollock Communications. Foods such as pickles, miso, kombucha, kimchi, kefir and yogurt are to be included more frequently in the everyday diet, since they promote a good gut health, improving digestion and immunity.
2. Avocado
This wonder fruit has gained the hearts of millions and millions of consumers, all around the globe. So, it’s only natural to make it to the top 10 superfoods trending in 2020. Avocado contains almost 20 essential vitamins and nutrients, being a very good source of fiber, potassium, unsaturated fats, vitamin E, and vitamins B. Either you prefer it in a salad bowl or as guacamole on toast, avocado is definitely a must-add on your daily nutrition plan.
3. Seeds
Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and plenty of other seeds provide us with healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and proteins. Add them in yogurts, salads or pudding cups with fresh fruits and vegetable milk. Eat them raw, if you fancy. The health benefits are almost guaranteed (healthy skin and hair, good cardiovascular health).
4. Exotic fruits (acai, golden berries)
Golden berries originate from South America (Peru, Argentina, Colombia) and their taste is not as sweet as other berries. However, they are the ultimate multivitamin ingredient, containing 16% fiber and lots of vitamin A, B and C. Among their health benefits, we must mention their level of antioxidants, the antihistamine effect, anti-inflammatory properties and even antiviral properties.
5. Ancient grains
This term refers to both grains, such as: millet, spelt, barley, and pseudo-cereals, such as: quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat. When it comes to flavor and nutrition properties, they resemble a lot with what our ancestors would have eaten a long time ago.
Among their health benefits, we should emphasize: low cholesterol levels, low blood sugar levels, rich in antioxidants, fibers and some of these are perfect for those who cannot tolerate gluten or wheat – quinoa, millet and amaranth are gluten-free grains.
6. Blueberries
Over the course of the years, blueberries have been associated with happiness, well-being, a great taste and flavor, and a quality nutrient profile. Thus, it is understandable why consumers are keeping their interests alive in these fruits.
Blueberries can be added in pretty much anything, from baby food to snacks, special drinks, breakfast cereals and dairy products. Today, they can be even found in pizzas, meat dishes or grain bowls.
7. Nuts
Worldwide, nuts are used to enhance the taste of various foods: dairies, bakery products, desserts, soups, pizzas and beverages. Most frequently, nuts are added in all sorts of bars, snacks, cereals and desserts. As a healthy source of fats, nuts are packed with lots of minerals and vitamins.
8. Non-dairy milks
The need for a better gut health and an easier digestion has shifted the consumers’ attention towards non-dairy milks, such as: soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, oat milk and so on. On the other hand, we have the millennials, who are seeking exciting new flavors and drinks that come with an incredible taste experience. So, it is no wonder why non-dairy milks have made it among the superfoods trending in 2020.
9. Beets
This pink root veggie is rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants and nitrates, or compounds that boost blood flow. You can enjoy it in a variety of ways: fresh, as juices or smoothies, or already marinated, ready-to-eat. Throw pieces of beets in salads, they go very well with feta cheese. Or drink a fresh beets smoothie before exercising – it will fill you up with energy.
10. Green Tea
Less caffeine, loads of antioxidants, natural L-theamine and incredible taste. Green tea has undeniable advantages and benefits.
How many of these top superfoods trending in 2020 are you frequently using in your daily diet? Will you add them from now on?