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Kwanzaa Cake

Kwanzaa Cake

Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration held in the US, that honors the African heritage in African-American culture. We’ve decided to honor it by presenting to you this delicious cake. The filling consists of apricot jam, and on the outside, the cake is glazed with chocolate pudding. Don’t forget the popcorn, corn nuts, and pumpkin seeds that add the right amount of crunch!

Kwanzaa Cake Read More »

Ingredients Needed for Kwanzaa Cake

2 cups of milk
½ cup sugar
3 ounces of instant vanilla pudding
1 store-bought cake
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
10 ounces of apricot jam
1 ounce popped popcorn
1 teaspoon corn nuts
1 teaspoon pumpkin seeds
4 strawberries, for decorating
8 raspberries, for decorating
10 blueberries, for decorating

How to Make Kwanzaa Cake

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Keep 2 tablespoons for mixing with the dry pudding.
    Add the sugar to the saucepan and whisk it.
  2. Mix the vanilla pudding with the remaining milk in a separate bowl until the ingredients combine.
    Mix everything and pour it over the heated milk. Whisk, and continue cooking the pudding according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Slice off the top of the food cake, around 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. Scoop its inside, and slice the remaining food cake horizontally into halves.
  4. Mix the vanilla pudding with cinnamon, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract.
  5. Glue the food cake halves with the pudding, and spread the remaining on the sides and top of it.
    Pour the apricot jam inside the food cake.
  6. Decorate it with popcorn and corn nuts on the sides, and pumpkin seeds on top. Decorate with fresh fruit.


If you have a sweet tooth prepare to be amazed. This dessert with a complicated name is extra-buttery and extra-sweet. Its sweet and crispy phyllo crust hides an incredibly delicious semolina pudding. Optionally you can coat it with a syrup of your choice.

Galaktoboureko Read More »

Ingredients Needed for Galaktoboureko

For the semolina pudding:

4 cups of milk
3 ounces of semolina
½ cup sugar
1 cup melted butter

For the galaktoboureko:

⅓ cup melted butter for coating
7 phyllo sheets
2 tablespoons of brown sugar

How to Make Galaktoboureko

  1. For the semolina pudding:

    Add the milk and semolina into a cooking pot over low heat and stir. Continue to stir while adding the sugar. Bring to a boil and continue to stir until thickened. Add the melted butter and stir more until even. Set aside.

  2. For the galaktoboureko:

    Line a 10 x 5 x 2 inch (24 x 13 x 5 cm) baking dish with a phyllo sheet, coat it with melted butter, then do the same with other 2 sheets. Finally, add the 4th one then add the semolina pudding into the phyllo-lined dish. Coat the phyllo margins with butter and flip them over the filling. Coat the pudding and add the other 3 phyllo sheets, taking care to coat each one with butter. Also, as you add them, tuck their margins in.

  3. Sprinkle the brown sugar on top and bake for 35 minutes at 350⁰F/175⁰C.
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