Are your feet swollen or red? Do your clothes barely fit you, even though you’re on a diet and you’re eating healthier than ever? Then maybe it’s a simple case of your body retaining too much water. But don’t worry, this is a nasty problem you can fix. Here are some ways to reduce water retention.
When excess fluids build up inside your body, your well-being is definitely threatened. Fluid retention also known as edema takes place in the circulatory system or within tissues and body cavities. It can lead to swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, and legs. As someone who goes through it at least once a month during menstruation, I know it’s a pain to deal with pants not fitting you. Or how about your favorite rings? There are ways you can fight it though. You can reduce water retention without too much effort.
There are many reasons why it happens, like the previously mentioned period, pregnancy, or because of a lack of physical activity. And who hasn’t canceled going to the gym because of other pressing matters, right?
Just a warning: if you have sudden or severe water retention, you might have a bigger problem than those and you should see a doctor. Some of the culprits are kidney disease or heart failure, so be cautious! If the swelling is mild, though, there are ways to correct it.
5 ways to reduce water retention
1. Eat less salt
Salt is a combination of sodium and chloride. The former binds to the water in your body and usually keeps the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells. But if you have a sodium-heavy processed meal, or you drop too much salt in your casserole, you might retain too much water for your own good. So sprinkle just a smidge in your meal and you should feel better.

2. Have some Vitamin B6
Bananas, potatoes, walnuts, and meat are all rich in vitamin B6, which is, in fact, a group of several related vitamins. They have a crucial role in the formation of red blood cells, which help your circulation nicely going along. And studies have found that vitamin B6 is also good for alleviating water retention, especially in the case of premenstrual syndrome.
So what are the good magnesium sources? How about some nuts like almonds and walnuts? Also try whole grains, dark chocolate, and leafy, green vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards.
3. Have more potassium
This mineral helps decrease the amount of sodium in your body and also helps you urinate more frequently. And this is how it helps reduce water retention. It also helps send the electrical signals that keep your body running and helps with the health of your heart. So have a banana, or eat some tomato slices. Not to mention have some potassium-rich avocado for breakfast. You’ll feel better for it.

4. Take some dandelion
You heard it right! Dandelion! It’s actually an herb that works as a natural diuretic and it’s been used as such in folk medicine for a long time. Diuretics help you because they make you pee more frequently and so you eliminate some of those built-up fluids.
5. Have more magnesium
Magnesium is such an important mineral that it regulates about 300 reactions that keep the enzymes in your body functioning properly. Studies have shown that women who have about 200 milligrams of magnesium daily have less water retention during PMS. And who doesn’t want that?