If you feel cold from November to March, you totally need some superfoods that warm you up! Don’t worry, most of them can be eaten raw but even cooking them only takes a few minutes! So, why not follow the easy path to feeling warm?
I don’t know how things work for you in the winter, but for me, it isn’t a comfortable season. I’m freezing almost all the time, I need a warming blanket and thick socks when I’m at home. Not to mention that when I go outside, I look like a walking mummy: you can only see my eyes because the rest of me is wrapped in so many clothes!
I also feel like snacking all the time and drinking hot chocolate or tea all day long. Because I feel cold all the way until March, I tend to eat more food and more often than I usually do. And that’s because my body needs the energy to keep warm. But I recently found out there are some superfoods that warm you up, so I’m going to keep some of them on hand. Here are the best of them you can also try and see if your body feels better this season.
5 superfoods that warm you up
1. Avocado
About half of the fat of avocado comes from monosaturated fat, which helps lower your bad cholesterol levels and provide nutrients for your cells to function, according to the American Heart Association. Besides helping you warm up a little, avocado also helps you stay full for a longer time, so you won’t need food too soon.
You can eat avocado raw because it’s incredibly tasty. But you can also roast it and try its creamier version. If you add some eggs, you have a double-warming effect!
2. Walnuts and peanuts
Walnuts and peanuts are other superfoods that warm you up. Walnuts are good any time of year, but they make a lovely roasted snack in the winter.
Walnuts are rich in alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA), one fat thought to boost heart health. They are packed with large nutritive content. 0.8-ounce (25 g) of walnuts contain 123 calories and give our body a punch of energy. They’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids and offer a number of health benefits.
Peanuts, on the other hand, are high in vitamin B-3, which promotes blood flow, and kick-starts your metabolism, both of them having a hand in fending off the cold.
Walnuts and peanuts have healthy fats and plenty of protein, and that makes them a smart snack any time of year, but especially in the winter, because they help you combat dropping temperatures.
You can simply roast them because they are amazing. But, if you want, you can try our cheesy fried walnuts with apple slices.
3. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are particularly high in vitamin A. One baked medium-sized sweet potato contains 438% of your daily value. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and a bit of iron. Sweet potatoes are believed to be capable of warming up the body, possibly due to the sweetness and other nutrients that impact body temperature, according to Organicfacts.net.
Plus, if you bake the sweet potato by itself, it’s generally a low-calorie food, as long as you avoid butter. Still, in the winter you may want to make it tastier by trying different recipes. You can use them in frittata, waffles, stews, soups, or roast them into the oven, with different toppings.
4. Ginger
Ginger is one of the healthiest superfoods that warm you up. It makes your blood flow, helping to warm your extremities and keep away the chills. You can use ginger root when cooking, but you can also add it to lemonade or infuse it into hot teas.
Whether you’re at home or at the office, when you feel cold, make a ginger infusion. Ginger has thermogenic properties that can keep you warm. Plus, a study in Metabolism had one group of men consume 2 grams of ginger powder in a hot drink with their breakfast and researchers found the men who drank the ginger beverage reported less hunger and greater fullness a few hours later than those who didn’t consume the ginger. So, drinking ginger tea may also help with losing weight during winter.
To make ginger tea, just bring water to a boil and add peeled and sliced ginger root. Infuse it as much as you want but be aware that the more you keep it in the water, the spicier the tea will be. Then, you can add honey, cinnamon, lemon, or fresh mint to it for even more health and flavor.
For a boost of energy and nutrition, you can try our honey and ginger latte.
5. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is full of healthy fats, which turn into fuel. By eating coconut oil, you help your metabolism do what it needs to: generating energy that makes you feel warm. Coconut oil also has antiviral and blood sugar-stabilizing properties.
Just pay attention! Coconut oil definitely isn’t a low-fat food, since one tablespoon contains 117 calories and 13.6 grams of fat. But it increases immunity, speeds up healing and weight loss. Add it to salads, for a healthier dish.
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