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The Numerous Health Benefits of Strawberries

Know How to Pick’Em and Why: The Health Benefits of Strawberries

They’re one of the sweetest, most popular berries around when summer is just around the corner. Their flavor seems to make everything brighter. And they’re not so bad for you, either. There are numerous health benefits of strawberries. Here are some of them, now. Their taste and texture are amazing. Think about it: juicy, but […]

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How to Thaw Frozen Berries

Ever since we’ve learned that freezing foods is a healthy option of giving them a longer shelf life, we keep freezing things for safe-keeping and a simpler life in the kitchen. But sometimes thawing doesn’t seem all that straightforward. Here’s how to thaw frozen berries, for the clearing up of a dilemma. Berries are a

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Ice Cream Cake

Let’s admit it! When we crave for a comforting and refreshing dessert, we think of ice cream. But sometimes a simple ice cream isn’t enough. For those times, make this vanilla ice cream cake! It has not only ice cream but lemon and strawberry cream.

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Ingredients Needed for Ice Cream Cake

6 ounces of whipped cream
2 tablespoons of sugar
½ tablespoon lemon zest
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
4 ounces of strawberry
10 ice cream sandwiches es
1 ounce biscuit
3.5 ounces of cherry
1 tablespoon blueberry
1 tablespoon strawberry topping

How to Make Ice Cream Cake

  1. Make a lemon cream by mixing½ cup whipping cream, 1 tablespoon of sugar,½ tablespoon lemon zest, 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice.
  2. Make a strawberry cream by mixing½ cup whipping cream, 1 tablespoon of sugar,½ cup of strawberries.
  3. On a rectangle plate, spread two-thirds of the lemon cream.
  4. Place over it the ice cream sandwiches.
  5. Cover them with two-thirds of the strawberry cream.
  6. Mix the remaining lemon cream and strawberry cream.
  7. Use it to coat the edges of the ice cream cake.
  8. On top, put the remaining whipped cream.
  9. If you want, you can top it with biscuits, cherries, blueberries, and strawberry topping.

Domino Jelly

We love the way this jelly dessert looks like! The translucent red color is fabulous! The strawberry jelly matches perfectly with the fresh pieces of fruits that melt in your mouth and give you a natural sweet and refreshing experience!

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Ingredients Needed for Domino Jelly

½ dragon fruit
6 raspberries
6 blackberries
1 cranberry
3 strawberries
1 cup strawberry juice
1 ounce leaf gelatin

How to Make Domino Jelly

  1. Cut the dragon fruit and the strawberries in small cubes.
  2. Cut the raspberries and the blackberries in halves.
  3. In a silicone ice tray, put in every form an equal number of fruit pieces.
  4. Put the gelatin leaves into a bowl of cold water for 3 minutes to soften.
  5. Pour half of the strawberry juice quantity into a small pan and heat it gently over low heat until it is only just hot, then take the gelatin leaves out of the cold water, squeeze off the excess water and put them into the pan with the hot strawberry juice. Stir them until they have dissolved.
  6. Pour the gelatin mixture into the bowl containing the rest of the strawberry juice and stir them together.
  7. Pour the strawberry jelly in the forms, over the fruits.
  8. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  9. Enjoy!

Hot Fruit Salad

Juicy strawberry pieces, meaty mango and sweet pineapple combine their aromas for a salad that’s refreshing during a massive heatwave. But if you add chili to this combo, you get an unexpected wonderful mix of flavors, sweet and spicy at the same time.

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Ingredients Needed for Hot Fruit Salad

10 strawberries
½ mango
¼ pineapple
½ red onion
1 chili
½ lime
1 tablespoon honey
4 mint leaves

How to Make Hot Fruit Salad

  1. Cut the strawberries into halves.
  2. Peel the mango and cut it into medium cubes.
  3. Cut the pineapple into medium cubes.
  4. Dice the onion.
  5. Slice the chili.
  6. Put fruits, chili, and onion in a medium bowl.
  7. Squeeze the lime and add the honey.
  8. Break in pieces some fresh mint leaves and spread them on top.
  9. Mix all the ingredients.
  10. Enjoy!
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