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Almond Rice Pilaf

Almond Rice Pilaf

A nice, Middle-Eastern take on a simple dish, this almond rice pilaf is just waiting to be tried out. The use of coriander and almonds give this dish a distinct flavor, that will work just great with grilled meats or steaks.

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Ingredients Needed for Almond Rice Pilaf

1 ounce butter
1 small onion, chopped
5 ounces of rice
1 teaspoon coriander powder
1 cup chicken stock
¼ cup almonds
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped

How to Make Almond Rice Pilaf

  1. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add the butter in it and melt it.
  2. Add the onion and cook it until softened. Add the rice and give it a good stir.
  3. Season with coriander, salt, pepper, and pour the chicken stock.
  4. Cook until the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Add the almonds and garnish with some fresh parsley.

How to Make Balsamic Glaze

Just a few drops of balsamic glaze, also known as balsamic reduction or reduced balsamic vinegar, will bring a burst of flavor to raw vegetables, salads, bagels, steak, and even sweet things like chocolate! It’s a great saucy sweet dip that’s multifunctional. Are you interested yet? Here’s how to make balsamic glaze as easy as

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