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How to Make Coleslaw

How to Make Coleslaw

Looking for something delicious on the side… of grilled meat and other pretty heavy dishes? Coleslaw works! It’s easy to make, but it can also be easy to make mistakes while preparing it. Here’s how to make coleslaw – tasty, crunchy, and delicious! Burgers and hot dogs and steaks, oh my! The weather is getting

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Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin

Of course, we wouldn’t say NO to a big and juicy beef steak, grilled to perfection, but sometimes we just crave for a flavorful sauce to go with. For that moments, write down this recipe: beef tenderloin with a sweet and sour sauce.

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Ingredients Needed for Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
7 ounces of beef tenderloin
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 onion
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup vinegar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 chili
2 tablespoons of water
½ teaspoon cornstarch
1 spring onion

How to Make Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin

  1. Heat one tablespoon of oil in a cast-iron skillet. Add the beef tenderloin and cook 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove beef from the stove and keep it covered to remain warm.
  2. Wash the skillet and heat it again, using medium-heat. Add one teaspoon of oil and onion and cook it, until it turns translucent.
  3. Add the soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, and chili and stir well. Let this sauce cook for 2-3 minutes, on low-heat.
  4. Meantime, mix water with cornstarch in a small bowl.
  5. Add the cooked beef and the cornstarch mixture in the pan. Stir and cook one more minute.
  6. Add the spring onion.
  7. Serve beef with rice if you feel the need for a side.
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