Do you always stuff your plate with food? Are you sometimes confused about how much you’re supposed to eat? We’re aware that’s a challenge, so here is a reference guide for portion size.
I am always that person who eats whatever they have on their plate. I guess I do that ever since childhood when my mother kept telling me to clean up my plate and eat everything. Yeah, especially the veggies and the stuff I didn’t like. And I got used to it. But maybe it’s time for new, better habits. Because filling up your plate is not nearly the healthiest thing you can do.
That’s why we have portion sizes to think of every time! And if you want to research into this further, then maybe you should read this research that says that the size and color of your plate can help with weight loss and get you to eat just as much as you need. It can also help with some tricks to get yourself to eat more healthy foods and indulge in less unhealthy items.
So how much food is enough? How do you know exactly how to create portions for yourself and your family? We’ve got you covered, right now!
Portion size: how much to put on your plate?
The recommended single serving of chicken meat is about 5 ounces (140 grams) or about as big as a deck of cards.
A 3-ounce (85 grams) serving of lamb meat is the recommended one. How big is that? Well, just like the chicken serving, about as big as a deck of cards.
Fish and steak
One portion of raw fish or a beef/pork steak is about 8 ounces (about 230 grams), which is going to be about the size of two medium palms put together. For fish, the fillet you’re using will probably look more like a TV remote control.
Nuts can be pretty fatty, so how much of them is too much? One serving is about a tablespoon (the measuring unit), so just use as many nuts as are covered by your thumbprint.

The daily serving size for fats like oil or butter is about 1 teaspoon (once again, the measuring unit, not an actual teaspoon), so you can measure that using a handprint.
One ounce of cooked pasta, which is about half a cup, should have a very similar size to your fist. Want to go for even healthier dishes? Then just make as many dishes as you can using whole grain pasta! Here are some other ideas for how to make pasta healthier.
Hamburger patty
Are you making your own patties for delicious burgers to grill on a beautiful day? Then know that the portion size for the perfect patty is about as big as a hockey puck.

Nut butters
If you’re planning to have a bit of peanut butter or almond butter in your diet, then know that you should have a portion about the size of a ping pong ball.
If you want to have some bread in your diet, which is fine, then make sure you eat as little white bread as possible. As for the portion, go for one ounce, or the size of a cassette (remember cassettes?).
One serving of raw vegetables is about a cup, and anything that’s about a cup should be about the same size as your fist. Of course, fists come in all shapes and sizes, but do your best to estimate, if you don’t have measuring cups! As for cooked vegetables, the portion size is going to be about as big as a lightbulb.