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Easy Chocolate Mousse

Easy Chocolate Mousse

Sometimes you just need a few things to enjoy life! In this case, we’re talking about condensed milk, chocolate chips, butter, and some peanuts. That’s all you need to make our super easy mousse.

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Ingredients Needed for Easy Chocolate Mousse

2 cups of condensed milk
1 cup chocolate chips
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup crushed peanuts

How to Make Easy Chocolate Mousse

  1. Add the condensed milk in a ceramic souffle dish (10-inch/25 cm diameter). Add the chocolate chips and butter, stir, and microwave for 5-6 minutes on high.
  2. Halfway through the microwaving time, remove the dish and whisk to melt the chocolate chips. Return to the microwave oven and continue cooking the dish until the time’s up.
  3. Add the crushed peanuts to the hot chocolate condensed milk. Let it cool, then refrigerate for 60 minutes.
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