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How to Grind Meat

How to Grind Meat

If you want to better control the flavor, taste, and composition of your burgers or sausages, the best solution is to learn how to grind meat. You mostly need a meat grinder and the process isn’t difficult at all. Actually, it can be quite satisfying. Part of the reason to learn how to grind meat

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All-in-One Breakfast Buns

There are mornings when a cup of coffee is enough to energize you. And there are mornings when you need a satisfying breakfast. For those days, make some bread buns stuffed with sausage, bacon, eggs, and mozzarella. We bet you’ll love them!

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Ingredients Needed for All-in-One Breakfast Buns

1 sausage 1 hot dog 4 bacon 1 chili pepper 1 tablespoon barbecue sauce 5 eggs 1 cup shredded mozzarella 1 salad greens

How to Make All-in-One Breakfast Buns

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F/175 degrees C.
  2. Slice the sausage and the hot dog.
  3. Cut the bacon in tiny pieces.
  4. Heat a skillet and fry the sausage, the hot dog, and the bacon without using vegetable oil.
  5. Slice the chili pepper and add it in the skillet.
  6. Add the barbecue sauce.
  7. Crack 2 eggs and add them in the skillet. Combine them quickly with the other ingredients using a spoon.
  8. Cut the top of the buns and remove the soft crumb.
  9. In each bun, put a layer of sausage and bacon mixture, a layer of shredded mozzarella, another layer of sausage and bacon mixture, and another of shredded mozzarella.
  10. Top the buns with the remaining eggs.
  11. Bake them for 10 minutes.

3-Ingredient Breakfast

After a busy week, we find that it’s best to spoil yourself in the weekend with something savory and comforting. Try this 3-ingredient breakfast with new potatoes, eggs, and sausage before indulging in your cravings for something sweet! You can also eat this delicious combo as a great brunch!

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Ingredients Needed for 3-Ingredient Breakfast

1 pound new potato
vegetable oil for frying
1 red onion, sliced
2 sausages
chili flakes
2 eggs

How to Make 3-Ingredient Breakfast

  1. Peel of the skin of the potatoes.
  2. Heat a large skillet and add enough vegetable oil to cover all the potatoes when fried.
  3. Turn the heat high and add potatoes. Fry them for about 10 minutes while turning them over with a spatula.
  4. Separately, heat another skillet, add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and begin frying the red onion.
  5. When golden, add the fried potatoes.
  6. Add sausages and season all with chili flakes, salt, and pepper. Keep them on heat until the sausages are cooked.
  7. Fry the eggs in another skillet. For best results, after breaking the eggs in the skillet, put a lid on until the eggs are ready.
  8. Serve potatoes alongside 1 sausage and 1 egg.

Bacon-Wrapped Omelet Roll

Want to make a new dish for breakfast? Here’s an idea for you: make a simple omelet and top it with some fried sausage and some mozzarella. Then roll it, wrap it in bacon and oven-baked it! You’ll have a delicious and satisfying breakfast in no time.

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Ingredients Needed for Bacon-Wrapped Omelet Roll

1 sausage
8 bacon slices
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 eggs
½ cup shredded mozzarella
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey

How to Make Bacon-Wrapped Omelet Roll

  1. Preheat oven to 360°F/180°C.
  2. Slice the sausage into thick slices and chop each slice in quarters.
  3. Chop 2 bacon slices.
  4. Heat a skillet, add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil and fry the chopped sausage and bacon for about 1-2 minutes.
  5. Break the eggs, whisk them and make a simple omelet, which you will use later on.
  6. Spread remaining bacon slices on a wooden board and place the omelet in the middle.
  7. Add mozzarella and fried bacon and sausage mixture on top and roll it.
  8. Wrap the omelet with bacon slices.
  9. Place it in a baking tray and glaze with soy sauce and honey mix.
  10. Slice and serve warm!

Bacon and Mushroom Toast

Who doesn’t like hearing that unmistakable crunch sound of toast? Or feeling the special texture… it’s amazing. You can have toast with anything; so how about trying it along with some sausages, bacon, and mushrooms, all cooked in a skillet. Do you not feel satisfied yet? Just shred some mozzarella on top and prepare for a real treat!

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Ingredients Needed for Bacon and Mushroom Toast

6 breads
2 ounces of butter
10 bacon
2 sausages
10 mushrooms
2 chili peppers
2 tablespoons of mozzarella, shredded

How to Make Bacon and Mushroom Toast

  1. Cut each slice of bread diagonally. Place the obtained triangles on a baking tray.
  2. Melt the butter and spread on the bread triangles. Toast the bread in the oven.
  3. Cut bacon in small pieces. Slice the sausages.
  4. Heat a skillet and fry the bacon and the sausage without using vegetable oil.
  5. Cut the mushrooms in half and add them in the skillet.
  6. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and cook everything together.
  7. Add the sliced chili peppers.
  8. Put the toast triangles on a plate and top them with bacon, sausage, and mushroom mixture.
  9. Serve with shredded mozzarella and fresh parsley.
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