Creamy White Sauce Spaghetti


Ultra Basic



A recipe from the cuisine, allowed in a diet.

If you're looking for a basic spaghetti recipe, you've come to the right place! You'll need only 3 ingredients - heavy cream, parmesan and butter, to wrap up a delicious white sauce for the spaghetti.

Nutritional Chart

Calories: 463 kCal / serving

  • Proteins:
  • Fats:
  • Carbs:
  • 37 g
  • 17 g
  • 29 g

Ingredients Needed for Creamy White Sauce Spaghetti

3 ounces of spaghetti
1 teaspoon butter
½ cup heavy cream
1 ounce - parmesan
chili flakes

How to Make Creamy White Sauce Spaghetti

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
  2. Add salt and the spaghetti. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a skillet.
  4. Add the heavy cream, grate some nutmeg and add the parmesan. Mix and cook the sauce for 5 minutes, until it thickens a bit.
  5. Strain the spaghetti and add them to the skillet and coat them with the sauce.
  6. Serve the spaghetti with chili flakes.

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