Chicken With Rice Noodles and Peanuts


Ultra Basic



A recipe from the cuisine, allowed in a diet.

Want something fast, full of flavor, but not too much of an effort? In this case, this recipe is just the thing for you. You just need to stir-fry some chicken thighs with onion and garam masala. Add some rice noodles and peanuts alongside the chicken, flavor everything with soy sauce and you can spend the rest of the evening having fun out of the kitchen!

Nutritional Chart

Calories: 370 kCal / serving

  • Proteins:
  • Fats:
  • Carbs:
  • 24 g
  • 22 g
  • 21 g

Ingredients Needed for Chicken With Rice Noodles and Peanuts

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 red onion
1 teaspoon garam masala
4 chicken thighs s, sliced
2 spring onions, chopped
1 ounce peanut
5 ounces of noodle
1 tablespoon soy sauce

How to Make Chicken With Rice Noodles and Peanuts

  1. You can start with the rice noodles. Add them in a saucepan full of simmering water, and cook them according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the red onion, cook it until it softens, and season with garam masala. Add the chicken thighs and cook them for 12-15 minutes. About 1 minute before you finish cooking them, add the spring onion.
  3. Separately, heat the remaining oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add peanuts, a pinch of salt, and roast them for 1-2 minutes. Add the cooked rice noodles and stir. Add the chicken, pour soy sauce, and keep cooking for 3 minutes.

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