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Caramel and Apples – a Love Story

Caramel apples are a long-established fall food, a sweet treat for every kid and sweet-craving inner child. There is good, sometimes explosive chemistry between caramel and apples. You can see exactly how much in these recipes below.  Most of our recipes that have caramel and apples as ingredients are mainly sweet dishes. You can put

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Chocolate Biscuit Cake

Chocolate Cookie Cake

Sweet tooth cravings, anyone? If your answer is positive, then check this chocolate cookie cake. The whole mixture should be ready in no more than 20 or 30 minutes, tops. We’re talking here about super delicious chocolate and milk melted together with butter through the bain-marie method. All mixed with just 3 ounces of digestive cookies. Feel free to add more of those, by the way.

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Ingredients Needed for Chocolate Cookie Cake

8 ounces of milk chocolate, broken into pieces (2 bars)
1 cup condensed milk
3 ounces of butter
½ cup powdered sugar
½ cup of cocoa powder
3 ounces of digestive cookies, crumbled
salt flakes

How to Make Chocolate Cookie Cake

  1. Fill a medium-sized pot halfway with water and heat it over low-medium heat. Add the chocolate to a bowl and place it on top of the pot.
  2. Add the condensed milk and butter. Melt them over this bain-marie.
  3. Add the powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Mix until even using a spatula. Stir in 2 ounces of digestive cookies.
  4. Line a smaller baking dish with plastic foil and transfer the chocolate mixture to it. Top with the remaining cookies and a dash of salt flakes.
  5. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Chocolate Mini Cakes with Whipped Cream

Chocolate Mini Cakes With Whipped Cream

This is a masterpiece of chocolate decadence and, oh, so sweet! We’ve used two chocolate bars and digestive cookies for these mini cakes. And we’ve also whipped some cream for the topping. Garnish it with powdered cocoa and strawberries or anything else that comes to mind. Just enjoy them.

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Ingredients Needed for Chocolate Mini Cakes With Whipped Cream

2.5 ounces of digestive cookies (10-12 cookies)
3 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
2 ounces of butter
6 ounces of chocolate, broken to pieces
4 tablespoons of heavy whipping cream
gelatin (3-4 sheets)
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon cornstarch
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

How to Make Chocolate Mini Cakes With Whipped Cream

  1. Add the cookies, 1 tablespoon of sugar, flour, a dash of salt, and 1 ounce of butter to a blender. Blend until even.
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and add two 4-inch cookie cutters on it. Fill them with the mixture, gently press with a spatula, then bake for 10 minutes at 320⁰F/180⁰C.
  3. Add 3 ounces of chocolate and 1 tablespoon of whipping cream to a small bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Crush the baked cookie discs into a bowl using your hands. Add the microwaved chocolate and mix until even using a spatula.
  5. Place the 2 cookie cutters on a flat plate and fill them with the mixture. Press gently, then remove the cutters. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. Fill a medium bowl halfway with water and add the gelatin sheets. Let them dissolve.
  7. Add the remaining 3 ounces of chocolate and 1 ounce of butter to a small bowl. Microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Add the egg yolks to a bowl. Beat them until smooth using a hand mixer.
  9. Add the microwaved chocolate and mix more until smooth.
  10. Add the dissolved gelatin and mix until even using a spatula.
  11. Transfer this mixture to the cookie cutters. Spread evenly and refrigerate for 1 more hour.
  12. Add the remaining whipping cream (2-3 tablespoons) to a bowl and mix until firm using a hand mixer.
  13. Add a pinch of salt, the remaining sugar (2 tablespoons), the cornstarch, and vanilla extract. Mix more until even.
  14. Transfer to a piping bag and top the 2 cookies with the whipped cream. You can garnish them with cocoa powder and strawberries if you want.
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