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Christmas Food Around the World. What People Eat on Holidays.

Christmas Food Around the World. What People Eat on Holidays

Christmas food means something different depending on which side of the world you’re thinking of. But people celebrating this holiday have something in common on Christmas day: a bountiful meal and joy in their hearts. We believe Christmas means family and friends, close together, celebrating love and kindness. Christmas also means customs and traditions that […]

Christmas Food Around the World. What People Eat on Holidays Read More »

Chocolate and Egg-Soaked Bread with Raisins

Chocolate and Egg-Soaked Bread With Raisins

Try this trail mix-like yummy and energizing breakfast or even dessert. Unlike a typical trail mix, ours is nut-free and it has diced bread soaked in milk and whisked egg, chocolate chips, and raisins. We sweetened it with maple syrup and flavored it with cinnamon. It’s a super-duper 5-minute job of whisking, stirring, and microwaving. See for yourself.

Chocolate and Egg-Soaked Bread With Raisins Read More »

Ingredients Needed for Chocolate and Egg-Soaked Bread With Raisins

1 bread slice, diced
1 egg
¼ cup milk
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon raisins
1 tablespoon chocolate chips

How to Make Chocolate and Egg-Soaked Bread With Raisins

  1. Add the egg to a bowl and whisk it.
  2. Add the milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, and a dash of salt. Add the raisins and chocolate chips, too and mix until even.
  3. Add the diced bread and stir it in.
  4. Transfer to a cup and microwave for 30 seconds.
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